Friday 9 November 2012

Blog Session 7

How green are you?

This is 2012 and I can’t believe how people are not yet aware of the importance of taking care of the planet we live in. I think people learn about “green issues” at school. Sometimes children learn how to make recycled paper and some others, they have workshops to learn some aspects of recycling. Environmental-friendly practices can be learnt at school and also at home. Since I was a little kid my parents, brother and sister taught me lots of things like not throwing my waste anywhere that’s not a bin.
I’ve always tried to be careful with the waste I produce. I use special bins (usually glass, plastic and organic bins) every time I can. Apart from that, I use water wisely -at least I try. I learnt that in Chiloé when I was 13. It was only when we spent more tan 2 weeks with a family in Nalhuitad, where they didn’t have tap water the moment I realised about the importance of using water wisely. I’m constantly thinking about ways to reduce my carbon footprint and transmitting the information so more people are aware.
I use my bike in the summer mostly. In Winter it’s too cold for me and too contaminated as well but as in Spring and Summer is more windy I tent to think that I’m not breathing so much smog. I don’t have a car so I’m always walking and taking the bus or the tube.
I support Greenpeace but only through the internet. I do that by signing emails requesting more laws or an action to stop some stupid objective of a millionaire company. I admire their mission so I think we should support any eco-organisations if it’s because they want to take care of the planet. I’d love to make tons of copies of “The 11th Hour”, which is a documentary about the state of the Earth, considering air and water contamination mainly.
I think Santiago is missing more laws and public policies so people learn and participate in solving matters related to the environment. Our society needs to learn environmentally friendly practices so we can live more as a community.

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