Friday 7 September 2012

Blog Session 1

First Term: Good and bad points

Every experience during the first term of 2012 was quite good actually. Not only because it was my birthday and I love that date but in general. I studied English and Portuguese on my own and I learnt more about the history of the city where I live because I also work in tourism. In terms of work, I studied for the first time with students from Escuela de Gobierno, where they study Public Administration and Political Science. It was a good experience and I enjoyed my courses there. I also got to understand why they where on strike at the end of the semester for more than a moth...
I practiced yoga, a bit of capoeira and zumba as usual but I wish I had had more time to practiced yoga though. I managed to practice at least one of these physical activities once a week. And this term, I’m planning to continue with my belly dance lessons. 
I think the hardest thing was to face the disease of my youngest nephew Tomás. He was in the hospital for more than a week when he was 2 months old; he got the syncytial virus and it was dangerous because he also has Down syndrome. Fortunately, he’s fine now and I hope he doesn’t get that virus again.

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