Friday 30 November 2012

English Learning Challenges

Dear Class,

This is Blog Session 10 and it is the last one this semester. Please write about the following:

a) How did you like this subject at university? What about the use of blogs?
b) What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
c) Outside the English Class, how much are you using English these days? Why for?

Wordcount: 300 words
Make comments on at least three of your classmates' posts.



Friday 16 November 2012

Blog Session 9

Dear Class,

Please blog about your future job and -i n  y o u r  o w n  w o r d s- answer this:

a) What kind of job would you like to have? Describe
b) What aspects would you consider when choosing your job?
c) If you were asked in a job interview about your strengths and weaknesses, what would you say? 

Write 280 words minimum and as usual, leave comments on at least three of your classmates' blogs.



Friday 9 November 2012

Blog Session 8 Instructions

Dear Class,

This is the last time you can choose the topic so I hope it's not too difficult to choose a theme that interests you. 
This time please write 260 words minimum and as usual, remember to make at least three comments on your classmates' posts.

Good luck, 


Blog Session 7

How green are you?

This is 2012 and I can’t believe how people are not yet aware of the importance of taking care of the planet we live in. I think people learn about “green issues” at school. Sometimes children learn how to make recycled paper and some others, they have workshops to learn some aspects of recycling. Environmental-friendly practices can be learnt at school and also at home. Since I was a little kid my parents, brother and sister taught me lots of things like not throwing my waste anywhere that’s not a bin.
I’ve always tried to be careful with the waste I produce. I use special bins (usually glass, plastic and organic bins) every time I can. Apart from that, I use water wisely -at least I try. I learnt that in Chiloé when I was 13. It was only when we spent more tan 2 weeks with a family in Nalhuitad, where they didn’t have tap water the moment I realised about the importance of using water wisely. I’m constantly thinking about ways to reduce my carbon footprint and transmitting the information so more people are aware.
I use my bike in the summer mostly. In Winter it’s too cold for me and too contaminated as well but as in Spring and Summer is more windy I tent to think that I’m not breathing so much smog. I don’t have a car so I’m always walking and taking the bus or the tube.
I support Greenpeace but only through the internet. I do that by signing emails requesting more laws or an action to stop some stupid objective of a millionaire company. I admire their mission so I think we should support any eco-organisations if it’s because they want to take care of the planet. I’d love to make tons of copies of “The 11th Hour”, which is a documentary about the state of the Earth, considering air and water contamination mainly.
I think Santiago is missing more laws and public policies so people learn and participate in solving matters related to the environment. Our society needs to learn environmentally friendly practices so we can live more as a community.

Blog Session 7 Instructions

Dear Class,

Please ask yourselves how green you are and write about the following:

a) Where do people learn about environmentally friendly practices?
b) Have you incorporated recycling into your habits? Describe
c) Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?
d) Have you joined or supported any eco-organizations? Why/Why not?
e) What else have you done/would like to do?
f) What have you done to reduce your carbón footprint?
g) What’s missing in our society/Santiago regarding this issue?

Write 240 words mínimum and remember to make comments on at least three of your classmates’ blogs.



Friday 19 October 2012

Blog Session 6

The human brain

I’ve always been interested in how the human body works. One of the reasons to be interested is that I practice sports, so why we sweat, stretch and how we can work out our muscles are intriguing facts about our bodies. Those, among other incredible facts like gestating as to have new generations. Sleeping, dancing, walking and reading are just some of the activities that have to do with the brain.

Biology and Education are closely related if we analyse the brain activity. As a teacher, when we study the way human beings learn, we study Psychology but unfortunately we didn’t study Neuroscience. Therefore, as this science has always caught my attention I wanted to learn more about it. A couple of years ago, because of the Masters programme I was studying, I had the chance to read lots of interesting papers about how the brain works when we read and how the way we stimulate the brain affects our learning process.

The human brain is a complex organ and as human beings we are supposed to be the only ones to know something about the way the brain works. With that skill, Pierre Paul Broca (1824-1880), a French pioneer doctor was able to draw a map of the brain and consequently, he discovered a small area in the left hemisphere, which controls the production of language. And, I guess that 100 billion neurons in our brains* are responsible for language, communication and many other aspects of our lives.